ENG 1020
3:50-5:45 TR
Winter 2006
Tentative Course Schedule
NOTE: This schedule may change as needed. Your presence in class ensures correct
W 11/29
Review Syllabus and Text; Writing Myths and Rituals;
Assign diagnostic writing.

For Next Time: Read: pp. 8-15 in text;
Read pp. 48-54, Baker and Schreiner in text
the following questions to the message board by classtime on
Thursday; How does the narrator change? What does he learn
word response to another student's initial 300 word post by
classtime on Friday; Bring a copy of this essay to class on
Whitney Lucas; Bring a copy of "The Waiting Game" to class;
narrator, Whitney, change? What does she learn about herself
these questions to the message board by classtime on
post by classtime on Friday.
M 12/4 The Writing Process, Purpose, and Audience; Quick start page
8; Activity: Considering Audience page 14 (brainstorm and
Discuss Wyatt & Schreiner; Discuss Essay 1
bring a copy to class)
word letter to this writer explaining its strengths and
This should be posted by classtime on Tuesday; you should
by classtime on Wednesday; Bring a copy of “My Nightmare" to
class on Monday.

Partner); Review pages 58-59 in text; Group Activity/
Discussion: Summarizing & Responding; Introduction to
Annotated Bibliography;
Back (See Questions on Website); Read 551-565 & 567-578 in
text; Read example research paper: Getting Down and Dirty:
Too Far by Joy Manuel
W 12/13 Peer Critique remembered event with partner; Generating
Research Questions;
Read 218-228; State your specific purpose,
Create a specific research question, analyze your audience
(see questions pg. 270), and write a working thesis; This should
be typed and is due next class. See pp. 552-555 in text
Discuss Business Correspondence;
class group activity); Intro to Profile/Interviewing; Discuss
For Next Time: Write a Business Letter to an outside party
(business, individual or organization requesting information for
your Academic Research Paper;
Read Kortz, 83-85;
(and bring a copy to class);
words, explain the doiminant impression Franke creates for her
This initial post is due by class time on Tuesday, 9/26.
student by class time on Wednesday, 9/27.
Read 85-89 in textbook;

Make an appointment for an interview for Profile Essay
W 12/20 Discuss Franke and Kortz; Practice Interviewing Skills;
For Next Time:
- Make an appointment for an interview
Gilmore (and bring a copy to class)

Write a response of at least 300 words answering the questions
Monday, 10/2.
In your response, explain how the author goes about creating a
dominant impression. What techniques does he use? What is
the dominant impression and is this impression adequately
developed and/or clear in the essay? Explain your reasoning
For Next Time: Read 70-73 in textbook
W 1/10

Liu & Coil; Discuss 70-73
For Next Time: Complete your interview and observation; Read
89-91; Complete Interview Transcript and bring to class
Share Transcripts; Finding Common Themes;

Discuss 89-91; Work on Interview Thank you letters.
For Next Time: Complete first draft of profile;
class (to complete in class)
M 1/22
First Draft of Profile Due; Exchange Drafts with Partner;

For Next Time: Typed Peer Critique of Partner's Profile Due
Back (See questions on page 91 in textbook); Interview Thank
30 in textbook: Integrating Sources, 606-618
W 1/24 Share Profile Peer Critiques with partner; MLA Format and the
Correct Use of Borrowed Information; Practice Integrating
by classtime on Monday
and bring a copy to class;
300 words, answer the following questions: What is the thesis
of this essay? Identify the specific sentence. Does the author
correctly introduce sources, use author tags and qualifiers?
Discuss specific examples.
student using a minimum of 100 words.
Resources; Planning and Drafting (Thesis & outline); Intro to

For Next Time: Read about writing research papers pp. 619
-627 in textbook
discuss the author's integration of sources. Does he clearly
introduce a source the first time it is used? Does he
consistently use author tags? qualifiers? Explain your position.
Does he have a clear thesis? what is it? Identify the specific
underline your thesis in the intro and underline the restatement
of the thesis in the conclusion); exchange with partner in class;
Discuss Story Essay; Group Activity:“Who’s to Blame?”; Intro
to Visual Representation/Analyzing; Discuss
due back (see questions on website);
Do you agree with Story's interpretation of the visual? Why?
Why not? Do you have a different interpretation? Explain.
M 2/5
Continue discussion of visual analysis; Discuss Story’s visual
essay; Locate visual
For Next Time: Final Draft of Research Paper due; Upoad to
MyDropBox by class time on Wednesday; Locate an Image to
use for Visual Rhetorical Analysis;
Read 370-383 in textbook and class notes online; 
Memo; Work in groups on Visual project;
For Next Time: 1st writer will use the info from class today
(invention work) to come up with 1st draft; Bring a copy for each
member of your group; Bring a copy of
Draft of Visual Essay Due;
Symrdra, & West and Do Reader Response 9: Long, Rucker,
Symrdra & West
Discuss the group's use of methods for understanding visuals
Do you agree with their interpretation? Why or why not?
Do you have a different interpretation? Explain.
Consumes Sao Paulo, Brazil to class; visual analysis; group
activity: work in groups on draft
due back
W 2/14 Work day for group paper; Share peer critique of partner's
visual draft
Reflection (each person in group); Upload one copy of final
M 2/19 Final Draft of Visual Analysis Due (one folder for the group);
Review for Exam
W 2/21 Final Exam