ENG 1020
Tentative Course Schedule
Winter 2008
Section 6: MW 11:40-1:35
Section 8: MW 1:45-3:40
NOTE: This schedule may change as needed. Your presence in class ensures correct assignments
Week 1
W 12/3
Review Syllabus and Text; Discuss Reading Critically & Why
For Next Time:
classtime on Monday, 12/8: Compare/contrast what the
narrator, Brandon, is like at the beginning of this essay and at
the conclusion of the story. How does the narrator change?
What does he learn about himself as a result of his
experiences? How do you know? What is the evidence from
the text? Discuss specific lines.
M 12/8 The Writing Process, Purpose, and Audience; Discuss Wyatt
For Next Time:
discussion board for Reader Response 1 (Wyatt) by class
time on W 12/10. In your follow-up responses discuss what
new ideas their posts prompted for you. You may also ask
them questions about their posts. Each of your follow-up
responses should be a minimum of 150 words each (300 words
Week 2
Sexton and "What is a Hunter"
For Next time:
- Type Observing Exercise and bring to class
following questions to the message board by 12pm on
Monday, 12/15: Compare/contrast what the narrator, Caitlin,
is like at the beginning of this essay and at the conclusion of
the story. How does the narrator change? What does she
learn about herself as a result of her experiences? How do you
know? What is the evidence from the text? Discuss specific
M 12/15 Share Observing Exercises; Review Basic Grammar
discussion board for Reader Response 2 (Garcia) by 12pm on
W 12/17. In your two follow-up responses discuss what new
ideas their posts prompted for you. You may also ask them
questions about their posts. Each of your follow-up
responses should be a minimum of 150 words each (300
words total).
Week 3
W 12/17 Why do Invention Work? Planning/Invention; Basic parts of speech; Independent & Dependent Clauses and
For Next Time:
bring a copy to class on WEDNESDAY)
M 1/5 1st Version of Remembered Event Due; Bring 2 copies; Exchange Drafts with Partner); Why and How Do You
Respond to a Peer's Paper? Review pages 58-59 in text;
Group Activity/"My Nightmare" & Discussion; Sign up for
Conferences; DiscussCommas; Group Activity;
For Next Time:
Week 4
W 1/7 Peer Critique remembered event with partner; Continue
work on Commas; Discuss Why We Do Reflections; Discuss
What is Due with Final Draft
For Next Time:
Monday, 1/12
- Read Chapter 21 in textbook: Strategies for Understanding
Visual Representations, pp. 370-384.
Everything in two-pocket folder:
invention work, all notes and rough drafts, peer critique (that
your partner did for you), final draft and reflection. Intro to
For Next Time:
answering the following questions to the message board by
12pm on Wednesday, 1/14: Do you agree with Story's
interpretation of the visual? Why? Why not? For what
Do you have a different interpretation? Explain.
- Locate an Image to use for Visual Rhetorical Analysis
Week 5
For Next Time:
discussion board for Reader Response 3 (Story) by 12pm on
W 1/21. In your follow-up responses discuss what new ideas
their posts prompted for you. You may also ask them
questions about their posts. Each of your follow-up responses
should be a minimum of 150 words each (300 words total)
to the discussion board by 12pm on Wednesday, 10/15:
these? Why or why not? Are there areas in the draft that are
effectively written or areas that need work? Point these out
(explain where they are ) and explain what is effective or
inffective about them. Does he have a clear thesis
(remember thesis is related to the focus of the image)?
- Bring a copy of student draft to class; you do not have to
respond to another student's post for reader response 4.
Week 6
For Next Time:
name on the evaluation
Discuss the group's use of methods for understanding
visuals: Do you agree with their interpretation? Why or why
not? Do you have a different interpretation? Explain.
M 1/26
For Next Time:
discussion board for Reader Response 5("Fire Consumes...")
by 12pm on W 10/22. In your follow-up responses discuss
what new ideas their posts prompted for you. You may also
ask them questions about their posts. Each of your follow-up
responses should be a minimum of 150 words each (300
words total)
- Research Topic Proposal Due
Week 7
W 1/28
- Read Chapter 30, Inegrating Sources in textbook.
Practice Inegrating Sources
For Next Time:
Week 8
W 2/4 Library Instruction; Peer Critique visual analysis with partner
For Next Time:
Overview of Academic Writing and begin discussion of MLA

For Next Time:
- Refer to chapter 32, Documenting Sources, in textbook for MLA Format
of Art" by Jasmine Vines (Example of Research paper)
12pm on Wednesday, 11/5: What is the thesis of this essay?
Identify the specific sentence. Does the author correctly
introduce sources, use autor tags and qualifiers?
Adequately discuss the topic as outlined by the assignment
instructions? Explain.
Week 9 
Use of Borrowed Information
For Next Time:
discussion board for Reader Response 6 (Vines essay)
by 12pm on M 11/10. In your follow-up responses discuss
what new ideas their posts prompted for you. You may also
ask them questions about their posts. Each of your follow-up
responses should be a minimum of 150 words each (300
words total)
- Read Chapter 31, Writing your Research Paper, in
- Read Chapter 27, Planning and Managing your Research
Project, in textbook
Exchange papers with partner for critique
For Next Time:
the following questions by 12pm on Wednesday, 11/12::
What is the thesis of this essay? Identify the specific sentence.
Does the author correctly introduce sources, use author tags
and qualifiers? Adequately discuss the topic as outlined by the
assignment instructions? Explain.
- Bring a copy of essay to class on Wednesday; you do not
have to respond to another student's post for reader response
Week 10
W 2/18 Peer Critique; Group Activity: Student Draft
For Next Time:
Reflection on Monday, 11/17; include copies of sources
Review for Final Exam; BOTH SECTIONS MEET AT
For Next Time: Practice for Final Exam
Week 11
W 2/25 Final Exam: CLASS MEETS AT ROOM