The following statements express common myths or misconceptions about writing. (In some cases, the speaker is simply insecure about writing, while in other cases the speaker may be misinformed about the writing or the real world). Try to find one myth you agree with (or strongly disagree with) and do a five minute freewrite focusing/explaining your position.
When you have completed your freewrites, you will work in groups discussing possible sources of the myths.
“Writing is something you can either do or can’t. People who can write are born with it.”
“Writing is not an important skill in today’s world anymore. We have other means of communicating with each other, like telephones, TV, Facetime, Snapchat, Instagram, and Zoom.”
“If you make any changes in your first draft, you’ll ruin your creativity.”
“When I get my first job, I won’t need to write because I’ll have an administrative assistant who’ll do it for me.”
“An essay will only be good if you make an outline first.”
“Freshman English is only required because nobody would take it if they didn’t have to.”
“All good essays must have an introduction, three body , and a conclusion.”
“Pretty soon they’ll have computers that will fix everything for you in writing, so I don’t have to learn all that unimportant, boring grammar stuff.”
"Writing isn't related to my major, so it's not an important skill for me to possess."