LIT 3180 Creative Interpretation Assignment

One of the most interesting things about graphic novels is that they combine many different art forms. This Creative Interpretation asks you to do the same. You are to design your own comic that engages with one theme or issue that we have studied. 

This is a project you will work on in-depth, although its parameters are up to you. You will write a short proposal (1 page) outlining what you plan to do, which I will need to approve before you can proceed. This is our first major assignment and you will complete it after we have looked in depth at the artistic techniques, styles, and history of the genre of the graphic novel.

You may use to create your comic although other platforms are available.

You are required to make use of the techniques outlined by McCloud in Understanding Comics (see handouts in Ulearn) and to adhere to the structure of a plot (beginning, middle, and end).  Your story must clearly convey a theme, must demonstrate a clear conflict, as well as climax and resolution of that conflict.  Your art must make use of symbolism of object and color and make use of the Strategies for Understanding Visuals presented in class.

See Raymond Carver's short story "Little Things" for an example of a very short story that adheres to all of the conventions of fiction (symbolism, use of dialogue, a traditionally structured plot, characterization, etc.).

Along with your completed graphic story, you will submit a 3-4 page essay that explains the following:

  • The main idea/theme that you were attempting to convey
  • How you conceived of this idea and why you wanted to tell this story
  • How you structured your plot the way you did and how you attempted to convey the theme 
          through use of language and visuals
          How you made use of the techniques presented in McCloud's Understanding Comics and why
          you used them in the manner that you did in an attempt to aide you in conveying this theme 
          and to tell your story.

On the date that the comic is due, you will submit the link to your comic in the proper folder in Ulearn (if you used  If you chose another platform, it is your responsibility to make sure I receive the file and/or link by the due date and time.  Your essay that accompanies your comic must be uploaded to Ulearn by the due date time on the course schedule.

Late work will not be accepted (no exceptions).