LIT 3040: Sport in Literature
MW 9:35-11:30
Winter 2011-2012
Tentative Course Schedule
NOTE: This schedule may change as needed. Your presence in class ensures correct assignments
Week 1
W 11/3 Introduction to the course; Review syllabus and Texts:

Read and discuss Raymond Carver's "Little Things";
How do we read critically?
For Next Time:
- Read "Running" by Joyce Carol Oates, 245-251 and "Third Wind" by Richard
Matheson in Runner's Literary Companion, 237-244
to Blackboard for Oates story by class time on Monday, 12/5.
What is the central conflict of this story? How is it overcome?
- Be prepared for Quiz: Matheson story
(Purpose,Audience, etc.); What is "sport" and what are its characteristics; What
is the importance of sport in culture? What does it convey about that culture?
For Next Time:
- Read "John Sobieski Runs" by James Buelcher 207-227 and "The
Runner" by James Tabor 231-236 in Runner's Literary Companion; be
prepared for reading quiz
Week 2
For Next Time:
- Read "Raymond's Run, 133-139" by Toni Cade Bambara in Runner's
to Blackboard by class time on Monday, 12/12.
What do you see as an important theme in this story and how is that theme
related to one of the other stories that we have read so far?
M 12/12 Round Robin Discussion of Oates, Tabor, Buelcher, and Bambara;

For Next Time:
Week 3
W 12/14 Complete Invention Work for Short Fiction Analysis; Wrap-up Round Robin
For Next Time:
- Bring a copy of hero's journey handout to class on Monday, 12/19
- Begin Reading The Natural, 1-35
(dir. Ericson Core, 105 min.); take notes while watching film (save for final
exam). Quiz: The Natural; briefly discuss opening pages of novel
For Next Time:
Week 4
For Next Time:
to Blackboard by class time on Monday, 1/9 :
What do you see as an important theme in the novel thus far?
- Bring copy of anti-hero handout to class on M 1/9
Film: Raging Bull (Martin Scorcese; 129 min.);
For Next Time:
- Read The Natural, 124-157
Blackboard to the following question by classtime on W 1/11:
Identify what you see as an imporant theme from Raging Bull and explain how
it is connected to the idea of "anti-hero." Explain how the director emphasizes
this theme or idea of anti-hero through his use of film techniques.
Week 5

For Next Time:
posting a 300 word response to Blackboard to the following question by
class time on W 1/18: Identify a theme that you see emerging from this
particular section of the novel and connect it to events in the earlier chapters
of the work.
Week 6
W 1/18 Continue discussion of The Natural;
For Next Time:
- Read The Natural, 186-231;
- Complete Invention work novel essay and bring to class with first draft.
Critique; Complete Discussion of The Natural
For Next Time:
- Complete Reading Journal Entry #6 by posting a 300 word response to Blackboard to the following question by class time on W 1/25:
Identify a theme that you see emerging from this section of The Natural and
explain why you think it is an important idea in the novel thus far. Connect it to
the events in the earlier chapters of the work.
Week 7
W 1/25 Peer Critique; Gender and Sport and Discuss Responding to Poetry;
Conventions of Poetry
For Next Time:
- Read "The Interpretation of Baseball," 162-163 & "The Dancer," 81-84 in
Crossing Boundries
For Next Time:
- Select two poems from Crossing Boundries; be prepared to discuss
- Do Reading Journal Entry #7: In a posting of a min. of 300 words explain the thematic similarities/differences of two poems of your choice from
Crossing Boundries. This must be posted to Blackboard by class time on W
Week 8
For Next Time:
- Choose two poems from Crossing Boundries that you like and be prepared to discuss
- Do Reading Journal Entry #8 by posting a 300 word response to Blackboard to the following question by class time on M 2/6: explain the
thematic similarities/differences of the two poems you chose.
M 2/6 Discuss poems
For Next Time :
Week 9
For Next Time:
theme in Million Dollar Baby? How is this theme emphasized through the
specific techniques incorporated by the director (Clint Eastwood).Your post
should be a min. of 300 words and posted to Blackboard by class time on M 2/13
- Begin Reading Fences, 1--40
M 2/13 Complete Film; Peer Critique, Poetry Essay; Begin discussion of drama
and Fences; Race and Sport (Dramatic Reading of a Scene in Class)
For Next Time:
Week 10

For Next Time:
- Read "On Watching a World Series Game" by Sonia Sanchez, pp. 39-40 in
Crossing Boundries
words and must be posted to Blackboard by class time on M 2/20: How does
Sanchez's poem connect to a merging theme in Fences?
M 2/20 Review for Final Exam; Complete discussion of Fences
For Next Time:
Week 11
W 2/22 Final Exam take home essay due; Complete reflective essay in class.