ILS 2385 Final Exam
Throughout the semester, you have listened to ten presentations regarding visual literacy and sociological perception. After each presentation, you should have taken notes about each group’s major points. We typically did some type of group activity afterward to reinforce ideas presented. As we moved through the term, you likely began to see patterns of connection forming among several of the topics. Connecting these allows you to see how many topics are intricately related.
Review your notes. What pattern of connections do you see? What is the central idea/theme that all together?
In a free write of two pages, discuss at least three group’s presentations and what connections you see among their topics. Many of these connections will come from class discussions or content, but you might also connect movies, music, TV, or your own experiences. In your paper, you should not only point out the connections you see but also discuss your own responses to them. What larger issues emerge after you have made your connections?
This is a thinking response as well as an informal argumentative response. By simply pointing out the connections you see among the topics and the world around you, you are making an argument.
Please free write one full page total that answers the following (and please be honest):
Which assignment this term did you find to be the most engaging and why? What do you think you learned about visual literacy or sociology from this assignment?
Which assignment did you find to be the least engaging and why?
Now that you have completed the course, how has your understanding of visual literacy changed?
Would you recommend this course to another student? Why or why not?