ENG 1021:  Rhetoric & Composition II
Spring 2025
Tentative Course Schedule
Sect. 8: MW 2:00-3:15, AC 532

NOTE:  This schedule may change as needed.  Your presence in class ensures correct assignments


WEEK 1     WEEK 2     WEEK 3     WEEK 4     WEEK 5     WEEK 6     WEEK 7

WEEK 8     WEEK 9     WEEK 10     WEEK 11     WEEK  12     WEEK 13     WEEK 14

WEEK 15      WEEK 16


 1/6        Course Introduction; Review Syllabus and Course Expectations; Writing
                    As a Process; 

                    HOMEWORK (DUE 1/8):
  •           Complete the Syllabus Quiz (Week 1 folder of ulearn)
  •           Purchase three-ring binder for class

W  1/8       The Ethical Uses of AI; Group Exercise; What is a Mindful Writer?  

                    HOMEWORK (DUE 1/13):

                    What is Argument? What is a Text? (Intro to Rhetoric & Terms); Argument 
                     Terms from Homework; How can terms bring us to another understanding of 
                     the text (as a tool for critical thinking)?
                      Strategies for Understanding Visuals; Briefly explain Visual Analysis Essay
                    Journal Entry #1: Portrait of Self ; FW & Discussion

                    HOMEWORK (DUE 1/15):

W 1/15    CLASS MEETS ONLINE; Complete Journal Entry #2 Discussion in ulearn:
                  They Converge on the Branch of Second Chances (counts as journal entry); 
                  complete initial 450 word post by 11:59pm today

                  HOMEWORK (DUE 1/20):
  •          Return to the discussion in the week 2 folder for "They Converge on the 
                  Branch..." and respond to the posts of two other students in a minimum of 300 
                  words total for the two.  Explain how their ideas led you to see the image in a 
                  different way and why (before class time on 1/20).  
  •         Watch professor's lecture for locating 3 images (see week 2 folder in Ulearn).
  •         Begin looking for image for Visual Analysis Essay: Michael Cheval, Julie 
                 Heffernan, Duy Huynh, or Surrealism (Must know artist's name and title of 
                 work, also must include animals and/or people)


                 HOMEWORK (DUE 1/22): 
  •        Choose 3 images (search terms: Michael Cheval, Absurdist paintings, absurdism
                 and paintings, Surrealism and paintings, Julie Heffernan, Remdios Varo, or 
                 Duy Huynh) that you may want to use as a topic for analysis in your first big 
                 essay assignment. 

                 You must know the title of the piece, the author's name, and animals and/or 
                 people must be present and clearly viewable in detail

W 1/22  In class, choose one of three images and develop the context for your 
                 argument (focal point, cast of characters, story); identify a theme, and your three
                 most significant symbols); hand in written analysis before leaving class 

                HOMEWORK (DUE 1/27):

  •       After you have completed the initial discussion board post from class today, return to that board and respond to the posts of two other students in a minimum of 300 words (combined for the two).  Offer ideas and insights about their images that they may not have seen (think closely about the title) and explain if you think they can get three full pages up to four full pages of analysis from these (see strategies for understanding visuals).  Maybe share some images that you really like instead if you feel there's may not work for the assignment.

M 1 /27    Invention Work (Submit What You Have by End of Class); do more invention for

                  HOMEWORK (DUE 1/29):
  •        Write your overall claim and three sub-claims for the image you chose as a 
                 topic for your visual analysis essay.  Gather ideas from your invention to help 
                 you shape this. See Guidelines in ulearn; Submit to ulearn and bring overall 
                 claim and subclaims to class.

W 1/29     Claim and Subclaims Due; Organizing Ideas; Critique What You Have So Far 
                   with someone from your group

                  HOMEWORK (DUE 2/3):
  •         First Draft of Visual Analysis Due; Submit to Turnitin folder in Week 4 folder.
  •         Submit a copy of your paper to Tutor.com by class time (via JWU Link)

M 2/3      First Draft of Visual Analysis Due; Why Peer Critique? Exchange Papers & 
                  Reminders about content and organization(explained in zoom) ; CONFERENCE

                   HOMEWORK (DUE 2/5):
  •          Complete both steps of the Critique Process (in 2 parts:  write questions on
                   draft (1st read through) and answer the peer critique questions
                   link also in Ulearn; submit both parts together as ONE MS Word file
  •          Submit Tutor.com report and revision plan (both parts:  your draft with 
                  tutor's comments and your one page reflection); submit both parts together as 
                  ONE MS Word file

W 2/5       Peer Critique, Visual Analysis with partner; Revision Plan Due; 
                   CONFERENCES; Mention what's due with final daft

                   HOMEWORK (DUE 2/10):
                   Revise Visual Analysis Essay

M 2/10     CONFERENCES; mention what's due with final draft

                   HOMEWORK (DUE 2/12):
W 2/12       Final Draft of Visual Analysis Due with Reflection;  Discuss Scene Analysis 
                     Assignment and watch short film clip/blog post; Mad Max Fury Road

                     HOMEWORK (DUE 2/17):
  •           Review Scene Analysis Essay​ Assignment

M 2/17       Analyzing a Scene:  Ex Machina; FW; Discuss choosing film 
                    and Viewer Response for Next Week

                    HOMEWORK (DUE 2/19):
                     instructions for choosing episode in ulearn. Complete 600 word response 
                    before class; See instructions in ulearn; upload to ulearn before class

                     Ulearn (week 7 folder); Viewer Response Due; Analyze Scene:  Ex Machina
                     (cont): FW

                     HOMEWORK (DUE 2/24):
  •            Return to Ex Machina Discussion Baord and response to the posts of two 
                     other students; see intructions in ulearn


M 2/24         Scene Analysis Invention Work Due (5 pages); Analyze Scene; The Last of Us

                         HOMEWORK (DUE 2/26):

W 2/26         Analyze opening sequence of The Walking Dead; FW

                       Homework (DUE 3/10):
  •              Watch Metalhead episode of Black Mirror (available on Netflix and Amazon
                       Prime ($2.99); Season 4, episode 
  •              Complete a viewer response to this episode:  What is the central theme of this              episode; #2: What is the scene that best communicates this theme and why? 
                       How does the director use the cinematic techniques/ film tools to 
                       effectively communicate this idea? Your response should be a minimum of 
                        450 words.


​Week 9
M 3/10       Metalhead Response Due; Practice Developing a Claim and Subclaims 
                     (complete as jornal entry?)

                     HOMEWORK (DUE 3/12):
  •             Complete Claim and Sub-claims to prepare for first draft; use ideas from 
​                       your invention work submitted on 10/16; upload completed assignment to 
                      ulearn.  You should have one overall claim and three subclaims.

W 3/12      Claim & Subclaims Due; Work with Mindful Buddies in Class (work together on
                     overall claim/subclaims from your invention work)

                     HOMEWORK (DUE 3/17) 
  •             First Draft of Scene Analysis Due; Submit to Ulearn
  •             Also submit copy of draft to Tutor.com via JWU Link

M 3/17        First Draft of Scene Analysis Due; Exchange for Critique; CONFERENCES

                     HOMEWORK (DUE 3/19):
  •              Upload Tutor.com report and revision plan as one MS Word file
  •              Continue to work on Scene Analysis Essay

W 3/19        Peer Critique; Discuss Group Project, Topic Proposal, & Annotated 
                      Bibliography; What is Science Fiction FW (Share in Groups; get contact info, &
                      Set up Google Docs for group; see instructions in ulearn) 

                      HOMEWORK (DUE 3/24):

  •              Continue to Work on Revisions for Scene Analysis Essay
                     prepared to discuss

​WEEK 11
M 3/24       FW:  Best definition of Scifi; Work with group to choose topic                      for group project; LIBRARY INSTRUCTION; CLASS MEETS AT LIBRARY
                     COMPUTER LAB;  

                     HOMEWORK (DUE 3/26):
                     Mirror episode:  What is the most important theme from this episode?  What
                     are the three most important scenes/moments related to this theme? (Can't 
                     use an episode that you wrote about for scene analysis essay); bring notes to
  •            Final draft of Scene Analysis Due on 3/31; Continue to revise

W 3/26       Work on Topic Proposal with group 

                     HOMEWORK (DUE 3/31)
  •           Complete detailed lecture notes for each video and submit to Ulearn
                    (min. 600 words total for both combined)
  •           Complete Understanding MLA Quiz in Ulearn
  •           Continue to revise Scene Analysis Essay

M 3/31      Final Draft of Scene Analysis Due with Reflection;Work on Topic Proposal with

                    HOMEWORK (DUE 4/2)
  •           Group Topic Proposal Due (upload one copy for group; all group member 
  •           names on document)

W 4/2         Topic Proposal due for Group Project; Develop Claim and Subclaims for Group
                     Project with group members

                      HOMEWORK (DUE 4/7)
  •             Group Claim and Subclaims Due; submit one copy for group to ulearn; See 
                      instructions in ulearn
                      (very brief)
  •             Complete detailed notes for both videos (min. of 600 words) and submit
                      to Ulearn
  •              Complete MLA QUIZ, Most Common Citations
  •              Complete Academic Voice and MLA Citation Quiz in ulearn

Week 13
M 4/7    ​       Claim and Subclaims Due; Drafting of Group Project

                      HOMEWORK (Due 4/9):

W 4/9          Annotated Bibliography Due; Drafting of Group Project

                      HOMEWORK (DUE 4/14):
  •              First Draft of Group Project Due; Submit one copy to ulearn for the group
  •             Each group member submits draft to Tutor.com

M 4/14         First Draft of Group Project Due; Revise and begin inserting researched 
                        material into argument; Discuss Portfolio

                       HOMEWORK (DUE 4/16):
  •              Continue to Revise Group Project
  •              Begin work on Portfolio

W 4/16       Bring Tutor.com Reports to Class; Work on Group Project: Drafting/Revising
                      in Class; Discuss Portfolio

                      HOMEWORK (DUE 4/21):
  •             Final Draft of Group Project due with reflection; each group member   
                     completes their own individual reflection and grades group members (see 

​WEEK 15
M 4/21       Final Draft of Group Project Due with Reflection; Each group member 
                     completes their own individual Reflection and Grades Group Members; 
                     Workday for Portfolio

                     HOMEWORK (DUE 4/23):

W 4/23​ ​     FINAL EXAM:   Portfolio DUE BY 3:30 PM