ENG 1020 Composition
Tentative Course Schedule
Summer Bridge 2021
MTWR 1:15-2:45
F 10:40-12:10
NOTE: This schedule may change as needed. Your presence in class ensures correct assignments
Week 1
M 7/11 Review Syllabus and Course Course Schedule and Take Syllabus
Quiz (see Week 1 folder in ulearn) before First Class
Meeting; Discuss Reading Critically & Why We Do Reader
Responses/Blog Posts; The Rhetorical Situation; Purpose and
For Next Time (Due T 7/13):
- Complete Syllabus quiz in Ulearn (see Week 1 folder)
find most effective at connecting with their audience and why? DO NOT
- Submit to Ulearn: See Week 1 folder
T 7/12 The Writing Process, Purpose, and Audience; Discuss Harris &
Complete a Blog Post; What is Voice in Writing? Finding your
For Next Time (Due 7/14):
Abbott use most effectively and why do you think so? Submit to Week 1
W 7/13 Describing/Observing; Activity: Observing a Scene;
Class Meets in Uptown, Not Classroom
For Next time (Due 7/15):
- Revise observing exercise from today's class. When you revise, make the
description a brief scene from a story that simply reveals the character's
conflict, this conflict doesn't need to be resolved. Post revised piece to your
blog. It must be a minimum of 600 words (but can be more).
R 7/14 Review basic parts of speech; Review Basic Grammar;
Independent & Dependent Clauses
For Next time: (Due 7/16):
- Think about possible topics for Remembered Event
- Do Response 3 : Freewrite about what some possible topics might be; what
are some events from your life that taught you important lessons?
For Next Time (Due 7/19):
to Week 2 folder
- Also Upload draft to SmartThinking via JWU Link
Week 2
Why and How Do You Respond to a Peer's Paper?
For Next Time (Due 7/20):
- Typed Peer Critique of Remembered Event Due (both parts); Submit to
T 7/19 Peer Critique remembered event with partner; Continue work
on Commas ; Discuss Why We Do Reflections; Discuss What is
Due with Final Draft
For Next Time (Due 7/21):
- Complete SmartThinking Report and Revision Plan; Upload the tutor's
feedback/report and your revision plan as ONE MS Word file to Ulearn in
the Week 2 folder
Discuss purpose of assignment and begin exploration phase
of project. Watch a TED Talk; Discuss Importance of Curiosity
and How to Develop a Research Question and Why; How can I
Find a Possible Academic Topic?
Next Time (Due 7/22):
- Explore Possible Topics for Research; Develop 3 Research Questions and Post
to Your Blog;
R 7/21 Discuss Research Questions from Homework
For Next Time (Due 7/23):
- Upload both to Ulearn as ONE MS Word file.
F 7/22 Final Draft of Remembered Event Due w/Reflection;
Generating Research Questions; How should I use my
research question to develop a tentative thesis and an outline?
Databases (Explore); Preview Annotated Bibliography
For Next Time (Due 7/26):
response to Ulearn :
What is the thesis of this essay? Identify the specific sentence.
Does the author correctly introduce sources, use author tags
and qualifiers? Does the author fully develop her ideas and
provide good examples? Were there places you wanted more
information? Was this author credible to you? Why
or why not?
Week 3
M 7/25 How to Locate Sources Using the Library's Databases;
Organizing a Research Paper;
For Next Time (Due 7/27):
- Take Notes (mini. 600 words for two videos combined); upload notes to Ulearn
- Complete Understanding MLA Quiz in Ulearn
T 7/26 Library Instruction
For Next Time (Due 7/28):
- Take notes as you watch both videos; notes should be 600 words total for both
videos combined.
- Upload notes to Ulearn and take Most Common MLA Citations
Quiz in Ulearn
W 7/27 Creating an Outline; Review MLA (sample paragraph)
For Next Time (Due 7/29):
Complete Academic Voice and MLA Citation Quiz
Work on Outline
For Next Time (Due 7/30):
F 7/29 CLASS MEETS ONLINE; Outline of Research Paper due;
Day to Work on Research Paper; Begin Draft; First 2 pages due
by Monday
For Next Time (Due 8/2):
- First Two Pages of Academic Research Project due; Upload to Ulearn
Week 4
SUMMARY VS. ANALYSIS: What's the difference?

For Next Time (Due 8/3):
- Continue to work on Research Paper

T 8/2 Practice Analysis in Class; Submit by 1:15pm
For Next Time (Due 8/4):
- First Draft of Research Paper Due; submit to Ulearn
- Upload draft to Smarthinking Tutor via JWU Link
for Critique; Why do we Critique?
Content (Steps)
For Next Time (Due 8/5):
R 8/4 Peer Critique; Brainstorm Potential Problem Solution Topics for
Problem Solution Email
For Next Time (Due 8/6):
- Smarthinking Report and Revision Plan Due for Research Paper; upload to
- Continue to work on Research Paper
- Continue to work on Problem/Solution Email
F 8/5 Smarthinking Report and Revision Plan Due;
For Next Time (Due 8/7):
Week 5
M 8/8 Final Draft of Academic Research Paper Due with Reflection;
For Next Time (Due 8/7):
T 8/9 Work with Partner on Problem/Solution Email
For Next Time (Due 8/7):
- Final Draft Problem/Solution Email Due; Each partner
- completes their own reflection; submit both to Ulearn
R 8/11 Portfolio Work Day
F 8/12 Portfolio Due