ENG 1001, Winter 2013-2014
Tentative Course Schedule
NOTE: This schedule may change as needed. Your presence in class ensures correct assignments
T 12/3
Introduction to the course; Review syllabus and Text:

What is Literature? Literary Terms; Assign Diagnostic Essay;
For Next Time:
- Complete Diagnostic Essay: What role does the opening paragraph play in the
unfolding of this story and what makes it so important to the
story's overall theme (message)? Your essay must be a minimum of 5
well-developed paragraphs, and you must support your argument with
examples/quotes from Carver's text.

Upload completed diagnostic essay to Blackboard before class on T
- Complete syllabus quiz in Blackboard (See Course Schedule & Submit
Major Assignments Link<Quizzes)
- Read Chapter 1-4 of Meditation for Beginners, pp. 1-24
- Do Meditation #1 on CD (Connecting with the Breath) & then do
For Next Time:
- Complete fiction terms quiz in Blackboard before next class
- Read "What is the Body" (See handouts link in Ulearn); BE PREPARED
- Read Chapter 5 of Meditation for Beginners, pp. 25-34
- Do Meditation #2 on CD (Working with Sentations in the Body) and then
crysanthemums. What specifically do they symbolize? Why are they
such an important symbol in the story?
Post to Blackboard by class time.
T 12/10
Quiz: O'Connor; Discuss Steinbeck, O'Connor, & Essay 1; Define Hungry
Ghost for HW
For Next Time:
- Read "Hungry Ghost" by Keith Katchtick (See Handouts)
- Read "Run Mourner, Run" by Randall Kenan (See Handouts)
hunger in each story. A motif is a recurring element in a story
that has symbolic significance.
R 12/12 Kenan Quiz; Discuss Katchtick and Kenan
For Next Time:
- Read "Running" by Joyce Carol Oates (See Handouts in Blackboard) Be Prepared for Quiz
- Read Chapter 6 of Meditation for Beginners, pp. 35-48 and do Meditation
Entry #3 and post to your journal in Ulearn.
- Review the article "What is Your Body" (see homework from R 9/12).
- Complete an initial 300 word response minimum to the following
question no later than 9 a.m. on Monday, 9/23: What is the central point
the author makes in this article? In other words, after reading it, laying it
down and walking away from it, what was it that the author wanted you to
understand? In addition explain how the author either may have changed
your perception of the body or simply failed to change your perception.
- By class time on Tuesday, 9/24, respond to the posts of two other students.
These posts must engage your reader intellectually. You may explain how their
post prompted new ideas about the article for you or how their post prompted
new questions and led you to new ways of viewing the article, the body, etc.
T 12/17 Quiz Kenan & Oates; Discuss What Each Story this term reveals about
the body, the mind, or the spirit.

For Next Time:
- Read “Nixon Under the Bodhi Tree” by Gerald Reilly (See
Handouts Link in Blackboard)
- Read “Fon" by Henry Dumas (See Handouts in Blackboard)
image of black rock/stone. Why would the author choose to begin and
end this way? What is the symbolic significance of this choice and how
might it be connected to the story's overall theme (central idea)?
R 12/19
Discuss Reilly & Dumas; Quiz
- 1st Draft, Essay 1 due (min. 4 FULL pages); upload draft to
- Read About Basic Essay Structure in Literary Criticism
- See example student draft: "A Modern Representation of
Temptation in Randall Kenan's 'Run, Mourner Run"
- Read "Here, Bullet" & "Body Bags" by Brian Turner (Handout in
- Read "The Hurt Locker" by Brian Turner
- Read "R & R" by Brian Turner
- Read chapter 7 of Meditation for Beginners, pp. 49-55 and then do
T 1/7 1st Draft, Essay 1 due;
R 1/9 Purpose of Peer Critique; Exchange Drafts With
Partner; Discuss Turner poems
For Next Time:
- Read Chapter 8 of Meditation for Beginners, pp. 57-61 and then do Meditation # 5: Forgiveness Meditation on CD and then complete
- Read Snyder or other Oliver poems?
T 1/14 Peer Crtique, Essay 1; Discuss Poems (Snyder or Oliver poems?)
For Next Time:
the reflection to Blackboard as one Microsoft Word file.

For Next Time:
- Read Chapter 9 of Meditation for Beginners, pp. 63-69 and then do Meditation # 6: Lovingkindness Meditation on CD and then complete
- Complete poetry term quiz in Blackboard
- Review by "Persimmons" Li-Young Lee (discussed in class today)
- Read "Persimmons Drop Suddenly" by Mariko Nagai (Handout)
as the signifance of the permission as metaphor for the body in EACH
poem. Is the metaphor used in a different way by Nagai? Is it used in a
similar manner? Explain.
- Read "The Lushness of It" by Mary Syzbist (Handout)
T 1/21
Discuss Nagai and Syzbist
For Next Time:
- Read "Dust from Dying Stars" by Julie Suk (Handout)
of nature imagery in the poem.
- Read "Holy" by Mary Syzbist (Handout)
- Read Chapter 10 of Meditation for Beginners, pp. 71-77 and then do Meditation # 7: An Eating Meditation on CD and then complete
R 1/23 Discuss Suk and Syzbist
Mary Oliver
-compare/contrast the idea of the "holy" and the "profane" in the poems
of Szybist and Olds
-compare contrast the idea of faith in the poems by Oliver and Donne
T 1/28 Discuss poems by Olds, Oliver, & Donne
For Next Time:
R 1/30 Group Debate: Olds & Oliver
For Next Time:
- Upload a copy to Blackboard & bring a copy to class (can be electronic copy)
min. of 300 words) and posting to Blackboard by class time on
T 10/29: What is the symbolic significance of the fruit preserves
found in Minnie Foster's cupboard? How is this symbol connected to
another symbol within Trifles? i
T 2/4 First Draft of Essay 2, Poetry Due; Exchange for Peer Critique; Purpose of
- Complete Typed Peer Critique of partner's poetry essay; Upload a copy to Blackboard and bring a copy to class of your partner (or email a copy to them).
R 2/6 Peer Critique; Discuss Trifles
For Next Time:
reflection in one Microsoft Word file to Blackboard by class time on T 11/5
- Complete Drama Terms Quiz in Blackboard
min. of 300 words) and posting to Blackboard by class time on
T 11/5: : Identify and discuss the what you see as the single most
significant symbol of Margaret Edson's Wit. How is this symbol
connected to an overall theme?
- Read Chapters 11& 12 of Meditation for Beginners, pp. 79-90 and then
T 2/11 Final Draft of Essay 2, Poetry due w/ Reflection; Discuss Wit
For Next Time:
and Margaret Edson's play, Wit
R 2/13
Discuss Wit
For Next Time:
film/play (Wit) and one other work we have read together this term.
- Attend play at Actors Theatre of Charlotte & complete response essay. This must be submitted to Ulearn no later than R 11/12.
T 2/18
Film: Wit (Mike Nicols, 99 min.)
R 2/20 One Act Plays
For Next Time:
T 2/25 Workday for Final Exam
For Next Time:
by class time